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Excessive Worry About Health Could be Signs of Illness Anxiety Disorder

22/01 11:30 - Excessive Worry About Health Could be Signs of Illness Anxiety Disorder
Learn what illness anxiety disorder is and how the rise of internet searches can contribute to cyberchondria....


Meer over wetenschap

07/02 17:30 Our Brains Are Soaking Up Microplastics More Than Other Organs

07/02 17:30 NASA Radar Shows a Surge in Landslide Activity in California

07/02 17:30 Microbes in Yellowstone Thermal Pools Could Shed Light on Ancient Life

07/02 17:30 Stretching Every Day Can Lead to a Longer, Healthier Life

07/02 17:30 Struggling With Mental Health? Things Might Be Better in the Morning

07/02 17:30 Is Virtual Therapy the Most Effective Treatment for Mental Health Issues?

07/02 17:30 Visualizing Brain Connectivity May Aide in Diagnosing Mental Illnesses

07/02 17:30 Ancient DNA Unlocks Missing Link in the Origin Story of Indo-European Language

07/02 17:30 Turns Out, We Failed to Breed Dog Skulls for Specialized Bite and Smell Tasks

07/02 17:30 Ancient Celestial Objects Likely Carved Two Grand Canyons on the Moon's Surface

07/02 17:30 Particularly Resilient Bacteria Are the Reason Why Antibiotics Can Fail

07/02 17:30 Meteorites From the Earliest Planets Reveal How Earth Lost Certain Elements

07/02 17:30 An Antarctic Fossil From 69 Million Years Ago Reveals Earth’s Early Birds

07/02 17:30 A Swarm of Cyborg Insects Might Save You From Disaster

07/02 17:30 Caligula’s Secret Garden A Glimpse into the Roman Emperor’s Extravagance

07/02 17:30 Air Pollution Is Damaging Your Brain Faster Than You Think

07/02 17:30 First Kangaroo Embryo Produced Using IVF Could Be Crucial for Conservation

07/02 17:30 Rat Populations Rise as Climate Change Warms Larger Cities

07/02 17:30 AI Revives 2,000-Year-Old Roman Scroll Burned in Mount Vesuvius Eruption

07/02 17:30 Art and Science Combine to Reconstruct the Faces of Our Ancestors

07/02 17:30 Humidifier Review

07/02 17:30 AlphaMove

07/02 17:30 Stromatolites

07/02 17:30 Rotary Tool

07/02 17:30 Food Firms Revolt Against Net Zero Over Australia’s Energy Crisis

07/02 17:30 UAH v6.1 Global Temperature Update for January, 2025: +0.46 deg. C

07/02 17:30 Changing data to agree with the narrative? The sad story of ACORN-SAT

07/02 17:30 Blue States Discover That “Green” Energy Storage is Playing with Fire—Literally

07/02 17:30 The “Collapsing Gulf Stream” Scare is Back—Again

07/02 17:30 Deficiencies in Dominion’s offshore wind permits

07/02 17:30 Labour’s GB Energy “A Gimmick”

07/02 17:30 Ebb Tide in Texan Oilfields

07/02 17:30 Schadenfreude at Its Climate Grifters Cry Over Trump’s Grant Freeze

07/02 17:30 Trump’s Withdrawal From the Paris Agreement Won’t Hurt the Climate

07/02 17:30 AMOC Alarmism Doesn’t Stick (Wunsch caution)

07/02 17:30 Paper Exposes Pseudoscience Behind Methane War on Farmers

07/02 17:30 First Hydrogen CfDs Awarded

07/02 17:30 The Shocking Solar Farm Bird Deaths the Mainstream Media Aren’t Telling You About

07/02 17:30 Australian Heatwave Stories Slammed Some More. Part 2.

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07/02 17:30 What’s Coming For Academia

07/02 17:30 BBC Rides to the Rescue as Scientists Inconveniently Find the Gulf Stream Isn’t Getting Weaker

07/02 17:30 2024 power generation in the UK

07/02 17:30 Trump’s Energy Secretary Comes Out Swinging with Plan That Takes Sledgehammer to Several Biden-Era Policies 

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