Meer over wetenschap
07/02 18:30 NASA Radar Shows a Surge in Landslide Activity in California
07/02 18:30 Microbes in Yellowstone Thermal Pools Could Shed Light on Ancient Life
07/02 18:30 Stretching Every Day Can Lead to a Longer, Healthier Life
07/02 18:30 Struggling With Mental Health? Things Might Be Better in the Morning
07/02 18:30 Is Virtual Therapy the Most Effective Treatment for Mental Health Issues?
07/02 18:30 Visualizing Brain Connectivity May Aide in Diagnosing Mental Illnesses
07/02 18:30 Ancient DNA Unlocks Missing Link in the Origin Story of Indo-European Language
07/02 18:30 Turns Out, We Failed to Breed Dog Skulls for Specialized Bite and Smell Tasks
07/02 18:30 Ancient Celestial Objects Likely Carved Two Grand Canyons on the Moon's Surface
07/02 18:30 Particularly Resilient Bacteria Are the Reason Why Antibiotics Can Fail
07/02 18:30 Meteorites From the Earliest Planets Reveal How Earth Lost Certain Elements
07/02 18:30 An Antarctic Fossil From 69 Million Years Ago Reveals Earth’s Early Birds
07/02 18:30 A Swarm of Cyborg Insects Might Save You From Disaster
07/02 18:30 Caligula’s Secret Garden A Glimpse into the Roman Emperor’s Extravagance
07/02 18:30 Air Pollution Is Damaging Your Brain Faster Than You Think
07/02 18:30 First Kangaroo Embryo Produced Using IVF Could Be Crucial for Conservation
07/02 18:30 Rat Populations Rise as Climate Change Warms Larger Cities
07/02 18:30 AI Revives 2,000-Year-Old Roman Scroll Burned in Mount Vesuvius Eruption
07/02 18:30 Art and Science Combine to Reconstruct the Faces of Our Ancestors
07/02 18:30 New Strain of Norovirus May Be Causing Uptick In Cases
07/02 18:30 Humidifier Review
07/02 18:30 AlphaMove
07/02 18:30 Stromatolites
07/02 18:30 Rotary Tool
07/02 18:30 Food Firms Revolt Against Net Zero Over Australia’s Energy Crisis
07/02 18:30 UAH v6.1 Global Temperature Update for January, 2025: +0.46 deg. C
07/02 18:30 Changing data to agree with the narrative? The sad story of ACORN-SAT
07/02 18:30 Blue States Discover That “Green” Energy Storage is Playing with Fire—Literally
07/02 18:30 The “Collapsing Gulf Stream” Scare is Back—Again
07/02 18:30 Deficiencies in Dominion’s offshore wind permits
07/02 18:30 Labour’s GB Energy “A Gimmick”
07/02 18:30 Ebb Tide in Texan Oilfields
07/02 18:30 Schadenfreude at Its Climate Grifters Cry Over Trump’s Grant Freeze
07/02 18:30 Trump’s Withdrawal From the Paris Agreement Won’t Hurt the Climate
07/02 18:30 AMOC Alarmism Doesn’t Stick (Wunsch caution)
07/02 18:30 Paper Exposes Pseudoscience Behind Methane War on Farmers
07/02 18:30 First Hydrogen CfDs Awarded
07/02 18:30 The Shocking Solar Farm Bird Deaths the Mainstream Media Aren’t Telling You About
07/02 18:30 Australian Heatwave Stories Slammed Some More. Part 2.
07/02 18:30 Trump’s Energy Dominance Agenda Looks Like Texas
07/02 18:30 What’s Coming For Academia
07/02 18:30 BBC Rides to the Rescue as Scientists Inconveniently Find the Gulf Stream Isn’t Getting Weaker
07/02 18:30 2024 power generation in the UK
07/02 18:30 Trump’s Energy Secretary Comes Out Swinging with Plan That Takes Sledgehammer to Several Biden-Era Policies
07/02 18:15 Amerikaanse marine schiet drone uit de lucht met nieuw en goedkoop laserwapen
07/02 18:15 Herbruikbare ‘spons’ slurpt milieuvervuiling op
07/02 18:15 Schedel van de oudst bekende moderne vogel lost raadsel op
07/02 18:15 Bonobo’s hebben het door als jij iets niet weet
07/02 18:15 Deze piercing was al populair in de ijstijd – ook bij kinderen
07/02 18:15 Dit zijn de beste foto’s van afgelopen jaar volgens 76.000 natuurliefhebbers