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You'll Want to Bookmark the Namib Desert Live Stream

05/09 07:30 - You'll Want to Bookmark the Namib Desert Live Stream
Animals of the Namib desert in Namibia flock to a waterhole in the Gondwana Namib Park, and you can follow them anytime with a dedicated live stream. At five this morning (11AM in Namibia), I watched some wildebeests, a litter of young warthogs, and an ostrich hanging around. This particular waterhole was built in 2006 and is connected to a reservoir with a solar-powered borehole, equipped with a float to signal a refill when the water level drops. That reliability ensures that animals will show up to get a drink, since the size of the hole matters little when it's always filled. The park is adjacent to the Namib Naukluft Park, and there are no fences, so animals can roam over 21,830 square miles of reserved land. In the video compilation above, you'll see how the animals take their turns at a drink depending on species. If one species takes too long, they may be chased off so that others can drink. Sometimes a fight breaks out, like when an ostrich challenges an antelope. When the cheetahs gather, all the prey animals move back a respectful distance to watch until the coast is clear. The leopard arrives at night. All of them hope to get a drink before the warthogs take a bath. If you like the compilation, you'll want to check on the livestream during different parts of the day to see what's going on in Namibia. Since the park relies on ecotourism, you may sometimes catch a human on camera. The live discussion to the right will identify animals as they arrive. -Thanks, gwdMaine! ...


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