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The Gruesome Phenomena of Coffin Birth

08/09 22:30 - The Gruesome Phenomena of Coffin Birth
Warning: this video may not be appropriate for sensitive souls, and is not recommended for pregnant women. It's about postmortem fetal expulsion, or coffin birth. That's when a pregnant woman dies, and her body still manages to expel the fetus. In the modern era, if a woman dies during labor or in the final stages of pregnancy, the baby will be delivered by cesarian section and may survive. If the fetus dies along with the mother, which is inevitable when the pregnancy is not far enough along, modern embalming procedures will prevent coffin birth. The only time it happens these days is when a deceased pregnant woman's body is not discovered for some time. Before modern medicine, it was a rare but horrifying event we only know about from of a few documented accounts from morticians and some ancient exhumed graves with evidence. So all in all, it's not something you should be worried about, but a grim reality from the past. If you desire, you can read more about coffin birth here.    ...


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